Home Page

Fantasy Aviation
Phone: 906-337-3404EST

E-mail Address: fxcwngs@wildblue.net attn: Fantasy Aviation

Sharon & Steve

Meet our photographers and family!

Alex Dan
Budding pilots

  Comments, questions or ideas


Our crazy pilot


Steve & Sharon
The early years


Our new Camera ship

                       Rebekah   Zach                           
   Alex      Dan

     Fantasy Aviation began as a way to offset some of the expenses of flying R/C models and to help introduce more people to the hobby.  We started out with a 1/4 scale cub and video equipment to give virtual rides using I-glasses. The video was OK but not as good as we wanted. We were also limited to very wide open spa suitable area for take offs and landings. Our interest was piqued so we started to investigate alternatives. The helicopter was the result, but they are much more difficult to master than fixed wings. Our work cut out for us, we bought an R/C heli to train with and kept pushing the time frame of our project farther away as the difficulty of the process manifested itself. Not having any heli pilots to train with for several hundred made this process a bit more challenging.                                Several years have passed as we learned the basics of hovering, forward, backward, side to side flight and so on. Heli’s are notoriously sensitive and the learning curve is very steep with harsh penalties for failure to attend to details, or going beyond your capabilities.  So we’re always working on polishing up our rotor skills and advancing our abilities. It has been expensive and sometimes hair raising, but as most heli pilots will tell you, once the rotor bug bites it’s hard to stay away.  And it’s been a lot of fun.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     With that said, the very stable platform that a heli provides is excellent. And a better plan for a family business. We have arrived.  Now my wife and I with our sons make up Fantasy Aviation.  Our goal is to produce high quality photographic aerial keepsakes for your family or business to cherish for years to come. The aerial pictures possible with this low altitude platform are quite beautiful and more maneuverable than an airplane.                                                                                   Please enjoy our site and come back often, as we’ll try to update with new pictures. Don’t hesitate to send us comments on our work, ideas you may have, or just to say hi. We would love to hear any feedback and welcome any questions from you.                                                                                                                                Regards,                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Steve


Our first trainer

Any venture, large or small, with or without family, alone or with help, rich or poor, must always center on Jesus Christ.  The author and finisher of our faith.

JR Voyager GS
Our camera ship
Getting there
Our Church. 
Bethany Baptist in Dollar Bay, MI.  
Come join us if your in the area.  Our
worship service starts at 10:00 AM Sundays.